Knowledge of Beet Root

Properties of sugar beet (or borscht beet) are long known to juicers—juicing is still the best way to utilize the benefits; blood purifier, regenerates red blood cells, high in iron, regulates blood pH balance, heals acidosis, heals anemia, replaces blood loss in menstruating women, raises low blood sugar, increases energy and vitality, and oxygenates the body through the blood; detoxifies the liver, gallbladder, spleen, and kidneys; clears obstructions from liver and spleen; for liver dis-eases, jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, biliousness, liver toxicity from alcohol, constipation and diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids; promotes bowel peristalsis; inhibits formation of tumors, growths, and cancer cells; promotes resistance to cancer, dissolves cancer cells and tumors; reduces tumors of lung, prostate, breast, and uterus; promising antiviral for HIV/AIDS; lowers high blood pressure, lowers total and LDL cholesterol to prevent heart dis-ease and strokes; skin detoxifier used internally and as a poultice to draw out toxins, for acne, boils, abscesses, scabs, skin infections and inflammations, measles and children’s eruptive dis-eases, dandruff; also for varicose veins, ulcers, fever, swollen glands, sore throat, viral and bacterial infections, resistance to infections and dis-ease, and as an aphrodisiac. Anticancer, antitumor, liver protective, detoxifier. A nutritious food, no known warnings, cautions, or drug interactions; take care not to overuse and detoxify too quickly; start with very small amounts and increase gradually, cut back if uncomfortable; red urine from beet ingestion is harmless.


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