Knowledge of Aloe Vera
Use in topical gel or 2 to 4 ounces of juice drunk daily; juice has almost no taste and is most effective when a tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll is added; also used during colonic treatments; effective for all skin irritations and dis-eases, burns, radiation burns, sunburn, boils, insect bites, athlete’s foot, poison ivy and oak, wounds, cuts, acne, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, dark spots on skin, scalp and hair damage and dis-eases; skin moisturizer and cell regenerator; heals gum dis-ease and mouth canker sores (rinse with liquid); use as a gargle for sore throat and tonsillitis; prevents infection, helps bronchial congestion, antiseptic and tissue-soothing for cystitis and kidney infection, detoxifies; drink juice to heal internal ulcers (ulcerative colitis, ulcerative bowel dis-eases, and stomach ulcers); best remedy for constipation, bowel regularity, intestinal irritations and dis-eases, inflammatory bowel dis-eases, hemorrhoids, heartburn, upset stomach, reduces toxic flora in intestines and yeast overruns, liver damage, detoxifies and cleanses the entire digestive system, aid for weight loss and loss of appetite; heals the uterus and brings on menses, can be used as a douche; helps joint and muscle strain and pain, especially after hard exercise; increases protein absorption; immune enhancer, tonic; increases general energy and feelings of well-being; reduces triglycerides, reduces total cholesterol, increases good HDL cholesterol; high in minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, diuretic, liver tonic, laxative, wound healer.
Possible side effects: cramps, diarrhea, laxative dependence; do not use with abdominal pain (possible appendicitis), avoid in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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