Knowledge of Fennel

Culinary herb used much like dill weed for indigestion and respiratory viruses; use for stomach upset, gastritis, abdominal pain, digestive assimilation, nausea, morning sickness, babies’ cramps, gas, colic, bloating, hiccups, breath freshener; laxative, prevents cramping with other laxatives; reduces hunger, promotes weight loss; opens blockages in liver, spleen, and gallbladder; increases flow of bile; use for jaundice, gout, hernia; blood cleanser; neutralizes toxins and poisons, snakebite; use for respiratory and minor viral dis-eases, including fever, chills, colds, croup, asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs, wheezing, shortness of breath; expectorant, thins mucus, used in many cough syrups; tonic, aids recovery after illness; used as a wash for eye irritations and eyestrain; mild sedative, promotes sleep; improves the taste of other medicines; increases breast milk, has been used for breast enhancement, brings on menses; mild diuretic for urinary infections and kidney stones. Antispasmodic, antimicrobial, antigas, weak diuretic, expectorant, mild stimulant. Safe in normal doses; overdose can cause muscle cramps and hallucinations; avoid with ciprofloxacin.


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