Knowledge of Boneset

Known by Native Americans and taught to the earliest colonists; written about by Avicena (980–1037 CE), aspirin substitute, primarily used for flu with body pain; standard herbal for colds, coughs, flu, bronchitis, upper respiratory congestion, sore throats, fever, minor viral dis-eases, chills, aches and pains, upset stomach; cold and flu preventive when taken at first symptoms; causes heavy sweating to break fever; decongestant, laxative; used for malaria and dengue (break-bone) fever, typhoid, cholera, pneumonia; anticonvulsive used for epilepsy and fever seizures; immune stimulant, increases white blood cell production; circulatory stimulant, digestive bitter, and liver tonic; diuretic for edema, water retention, urinary and kidney infections, gout; appetite stimulant, expels intestinal worms, snakebite remedy; use for gonorrhea, calming; aids digestion and indigestion in elderly people, heals body pain from many sources (arthritis, rheumatism); anti-inflammatory used topically for skin dis-eases and infected sores; regulates menstrual cycle, eases pain in childbirth; use warm or hot tea for flu symptoms; drink a cup every half hour or hour for three or four doses until sweating begins; use cool tea as a general tonic. Stimulant, laxative, reduces fevers, antispasmodic. Do not eat the fresh leaves (liver toxic); not for use longer than two weeks, do not overdose or overuse (can cause vomiting and severe diarrhea); avoid in pregnancy; no known drug interactions; effective and safe.


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