Knowledge of Butcher’s Broom

Used internally and in poultices, primarily as a vasoconstrictor for vein disorders (venous insufficiency) and as a diuretic to remove fluids from the body; for lower leg and ankle swelling, itching, cramping, and aching heaviness in legs, varicose veins, spider veins, vein weakness with dark dry skin, ulcerative sores, blood clots (phlebitis, thrombosis) including after surgery, hemorrhoids, dizziness standing up; reduces capillary fragility, prevents atherosclerosis; diuretic, increases urine flow and reduces water retention for cystitis; use for bladder and kidney stones, kidney and bladder infections, urethritis, nephritis, edema, dropsy, gout, rheumatism, menstrual difficulties, and PMS; also used as a poultice for sprains and broken and dislocated bones; internally and as a poultice for respiratory dis-eases with difficult breathing and chest congestion; jaundice, headaches; laxative, appetite stimulant, increases sweating to reduce and break fevers; in cosmetic creams to tighten and soothe skin, cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles, and around eyes. Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, vein constricting. Rare side effects of nausea and upset stomach; may worsen high blood pressure and benign prostate dis-ease but listed as safe in pregnancy; no confirmed drug interactions but may interfere with high blood pressure drugs.


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