Knowledge of Calendula

Also called pot marigold; best known in many homeopathic salves and ointments but also used internally in tinctures and capsules; internal and external healer that soothes the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract; use as a salve for skin moisturizing and all skin disorders, cuts, wounds, acne, minor infections, inflammation, bruises, sunburn, burns, bleeding, insect bites, eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, cradle cap, herpes sores, gum ulcers; offers skin burn protection in cancer radiation therapy; used in eardrops for ear infection pain; internally used for intestinal inflammation, indigestion, colitis, stomach ulcers, bowel ulcers, diverticulitis, yeast overrun in the bowel, liver and gallbladder dis-eases, hepatitis, jaundice; increases bile flow; promotes sweating to break fevers, used to “break out” pending childhood eruptive dis-eases; reduces pain, thought to prevent gangrene and tetanus; soothes digestive tract after surgery; regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves cramps, may reduce conception; uterine stimulant; inflammatory pelvic dis-ease, varicose veins; may help reduce blood pressure. Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, stimulant, astringent, antiseptic, wound healer. No known side effects; do not use in pregnancy or breastfeeding, or if allergic; may increase effects of sedative drugs.


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