Knowledge of Cayenne Pepper
Hot spice and remedy that works by heating to increase circulation and acts as a counterirritant; increases the power of other herbs and supplements; use internally in capsules or externally in a cream, also as a cooking spice (red pepper); stimulates all secreting organs, aids digestion when taken with meals or used as a food spice, aids weight loss, diabetes (regulates blood sugar levels), antioxidant, reduces fevers, chills; laxative, appetite stimulant, decongestant; reduces internal tumors, antioxidant and decongestant for colds (with honey); use externally for arthritis, muscle pain, shingles (after blisters disappear), nerve pain of all kinds, fibromyalgia, post-surgical pain, pain after amputation, pain from peripheral neuropathy from diabetes (but not from HIV), back pain, psoriasis, sore throat (gargle), as a nasal for cluster migraines (expert advice needed); promising remedy for heart dis-ease from atherosclerotic (clogged) arteries; increases circulation, aids circulatory disorders, and helps normalize irregular heart rhythm. Stimulant, antioxidant, rubefacient, antiseptic, tonic, circulatory stimulant, digestive. When using external creams, pain may increase at first then greatly lessens; may cause skin irritation, remove from skin with vinegar; avoid getting in eyes, wash hands after using; do not use after hot showers or with a heating pad; may cause stomach irritation; the burning sensations are uncomfortable but cause no harm; use as a cooking spice but not in medical doses while pregnant or nursing; many drug interactions, research your medication before using.
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