Knowledge of Corn Silk

Plant originating in the New World and known by Native Americans for more than seven thousand years, the botanic name translates to “mother of life”; corn silk is the silky tassel inside the corn husk; primary use is as a diuretic without potassium loss mainly for urinary tract inflammation and infections, chronic and acute in women and men; soothes and tones the urinary tract, treats cystitis, urinary retention, urinary frequency, urethritis, blood in the urine, painful urination, urinary and kidney stones, urinary gravel, kidney infections and dis-eases, benign prostate dis-ease symptoms, swollen prostate; helps incontinence in elders and bedwetting in children; reduces frequency of chronic bladder and kidney infections, aids obesity due to water retention; use as a diuretic for high blood pressure; cardiac mild stimulant, heart dis-ease edema; lowers heart dis-ease risk; diabetes, lowers blood sugar; reduces blood-clotting time, stops bleeding, high in vitamin K; for PMS, bloating and water retention before menses, brings on menses, reduces menstrual pain; cleanses and de toxifies liver, promotes bile flow, prevents and heals liver dis-eases, gout, jaundice, malaria, hepatitis, cirrhosis; prevents gallstones; also for carpal tunnel syndrome, mumps, gonorrhea, asthma, boils, arthritis. Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, analgesic, antiviral, lubricant, tonic. Safe with normal use; may cause dehydration in children; side effects: possible allergic reaction or low potassium with overuse; may interact with warfarin and some diabetic and antihypoglycemia drugs.


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