Knowledge of Black Currant Seed Oil
Used interchangeably with flaxseed oil for its essential fatty acids, including gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. See Flaxseed Oil for more uses; primarily used for heart support and protection against heart attack and stroke, prevents blood clots, reduces inflammation in the circulatory system, regulates heart rate, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, dilates the blood vessels, lowers triglycerides, aids sodium-potassium balance in the body; also used as an anti-inflammatory for the pain and swelling of joint dis-eases (arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), PMS, menopausal symptoms, sinusitis, and as a tumor and cancer preventive; normalizes gastrointestinal function, heart function, cardiovascular function, allergic response, hormone and steroid production, neurological and brain function, bone support; immune enhancer especially for the elderly, raises T-cell function and production, enhances resistance to bacterial and viruses; protects the pancreas and pancreatic function; diabetes support; heals the skin and hair, protects the body from stress; effective as antiaging. Anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anticancer, diuretic. Considered safe even long term, the only listed side effect is diarrhea; not recommended for hemophiliacs, those taking blood thinner drugs, or in pregnancy without expert advice.
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