Knowledge of Black Haw
Used interchangeably with cramp bark (Viburnum opulus); but black haw was used primarily by white and Native American colonial-era women for the uterus; also used by slave owners to prevent black slave women from aborting unwanted pregnancies; relaxes muscles by blocking the enzyme that causes spasms; useful for every muscle in the body (internal and external), every discomfort resulting from muscle spasms and overcontraction, and every pain associated with movement; use for muscle pain and tension, cramps of all kinds (menstrual, uterine, muscle cramps, stomach or intestinal cramps), irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, headache, contracted muscles in arthritis, joint pain, back pain, pain of mumps and swollen glands, lockjaw; menstrual and menopausal pain and blood loss; brings on delayed or too light menses, stops threatened miscarriage or abortion, hormonal migraines, endometriosis; sedative, calms and soothes the nerves, nervous tension, nervous disorders, seizures; lowers blood pressure, heart palpitations, improves blood circulation, circulatory dis-eases, heart dis-ease; rheumatism, breathing difficulties, asthma, colic. Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, sedative. Little research has been done on this traditional herb; no known side effects; may worsen tinnitus, no known drug interactions.
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